OpenPlant Isometrics Manager Help

Automatic Iso Splitting - Sheet Settings

The Sheet Settings page provides criteria when splitting isometrics into multiple sheets. Sheet Continuation Labels can also be defined for the Isosheets.

Do Not Split When this option is selected the input will not be split. The name of the resulting isometric will match the name of the input.
Split on Attribute When this option is selected the isometric will be split based on a component attribute. Splitting occurs in a joint where the connected components have different values for the specified attribute. The following conditions control how this split method operates:
  • The value for the split attribute is assumed to be a number. Only values greater than zero are seen as valid.
  • This method is not used when none of the components in the isometric has a valid value for the split attribute.
This method will not successfully process Isos when:
  • There are some (not all) components without a valid value for the split attribute.
  • The input contains disconnects and the Connectivity Check option is enabled.
  • If the distribution of the split attribute is not logical. For example: The same value is used for more than one set of interconnected components.
Split on Iso Breaks When checked this split option is used when all the previous methods cannot be used or have not been checked. The input file must contain at least one isometric break point defined in the model. The input will then split on the isometric break points indicated in the piping design system.

The method will only fail if the input file contains disconnects and the Connectivity Check option is enabled.

Split on Component Count When checked this option is used when all of the previous methods cannot be used or have not been checked. The result isometrics will contain a maximum number of component as specified by the user. The minimum number of components per sheet will vary. The margin between minimum and maximum number of component is used to find a natural split location like a field joint.

The method will only fail in case the input contains discontinuities and the connectivity check is enabled.

Connectivity Check When checked the input will be checked for discontinuities. When discontinuities are found the isometric will always be marked as failed. The isometrics however will be produced and can assist the user in locating the discontinuities in the model.
Note: Currently it is impossible to produce an intermediate file with discontinuities. The OPIM shell stops processing in case discontinuities are found and produces an error message that doesn't assist the user in any way. Future OPIM versions should disable the continuity check.
Continued On Contains an expression for the sheet to sheet reference. The expression can use drawing attributes related to the neighbor sheet. This expression is used for a reference label for a lower to a higher sheet number.
Continued From Contains an expression for the sheet to sheet reference. The expression can use drawing attributes related to the neighbor sheet. This expression is used for a reference label for a higher to a lower sheet number. The expression can be the same as the Continued On expression.
In all cases where the isometric is split in more that one sheet:
  1. Observe that each sheet contains a reference to the other sheet(s).
  2. Check to be sure that the Continues On and Continued From expressions are used and correct. (See images above).
  3. Each sheet should have 2 drawing attributes:
    • SHEETNO for the sheet number,
    • NO_SHEETS for the number of sheets produced.
    When the input is not split these are also added but will both have the value 1.